Are you feeling overwhelmed with having to deal with a disjointed and overburdened healthcare system? 

Are you frustrated with the complex medical system and feeling vulnerable and underserved?

Do you feel that you’re just a number and falling though the cracks?   

321.299.2241     |     Mona Liza Tolla, APRN     |

Patient Advocate and what to liken this to:   an attorney, an accountant or a business coach.


Doctors are not talking to each other in this oversaturated state of our medical atmosphere. 

Some of your experiences may be:

• Lack of follow through and personalized care.

• Unanswered phone calls and voicemails. 

• An inattentive provider with their ‘hand-on-the-doorknob’ during your visit, causing you to feel rushed.

• Physical exam assessments are needed in this ‘hands-off’ medical model. 

•  We are missing individualized care in this new ‘cookie-cutter’ approach.

If admitted into the hospital, maybe you’ve experienced:

• Hospitalists often rush to diagnosis without considering the totality of your case during admission, in part, because your own Primary Care Physician is disconnected at this juncture of your care. 

• Multiple rounding providers involved in your hospital stay frequently leads to a loss of continuity of care. For example, not having the same provider rounding on you that you had the day before.


Problems are numerous but you can relax. Now you have a Healthcare Provider serving in the role of your Personal Advocate – someone who understands how to navigate the maze, complexities, and confusion of current healthcare systems. 

Mona’s role is specific to overseeing and  managing your interactions with the healthcare industry: Primary Care Providers (PCP), specialists, hospitals, and/or post-acute care facilities. 

Know that personality and personal characteristics matter in this industury:

Previous to becoming a nurse and eventually a Nurse Practitioner, Mona's background for 18 years was in a customer-service type position that required trouble-shooting and probelm solving. 

Mona has excellent communication skills, the ability to be empathetic (but not so empathetic as to lose focus). She has excellent organizational skills and communication skills. She is extremely practiced in good time management. She has that academic ability to do the research when required, and she embodies a creative side to solve difficult problems. 

Mona has the natural ability to get along with a variety of people. She is politely assertive, yet able to both provide respect, and command respect from the many others that are also involved in her patient's care.


Having peace of mind and confidence knowing your healthcare is being coordinated by an experienced medical professional.

The attention that you gain with Mona is proactive versus reactive, fulfilling a role not provided elsewhere in the healthcare system.