PATIENTS: Mona works directly FOR the patient, providing support and individualized assistance.

CAREGIVERS: Mona works directly FOR the family members of the aging loved one

Initial Consultation 

Qualifying patient for concierge services

Entails interviewing patient to determine eligility criteria are within parameters of Mona's expertise

Onboarding: Patient Establishment

Assessment of medical history. Address major medical needs and concerns. 

Assist with collection of medical records (from primary care provider, specialists, urgent care centers, recent hospital records, etc.), 

Medical records review; past and current diagnosis and treatments. 

Explanation and discussion related to medical records review. 

Make further recommendations  where necessary and assist with medical decision making. 

Assistance coordinating healthcare needs.

Hours of operation: 9am - 6pm

Post-Hospital Stay

(Central FL Only)

Service includes:

Offering support during early recovery at home.  This may include assistance in organizing all the required follow up visits that are recommended upon discharge.

Arranging 'Transition of Care' appointment with PCP and other specialists listed within discharge instructions.

Assistance in confirming all home health services, physical therapy, or otherwise, are occurring as prescribed upon discharge. 

Maintenance Program

(Central FL Only)

This program is for: Established patients only


One of the cornerstones of this program is keeping all providers up-to-date on what the others are doing to reduce gaps in care. 

Designed to prevent hospitalizations and assist the individual in keeping up with what’s necessary for optimal health and independence. 

Assistance in ongoing communication with your current medical team (PCP and all specialists).

This program provides support to enhance selfcare, maintain the highest level of health, physical function, independence and overall quality of life. 

Increase knowledge and provide health education to reduce risks of chronic health conditions (ex: heart attack, stroke). 

Help in understanding proper use of medications, home safety, community resources, nutrition and exercise.